Too Poor to Coupon!
Complaint: I'm too poor to be able to do the coupons online!
In my opinion, and I'm someone who doesn't make a lot myself, it would be in your the best interest of anyone poor but wanting to coupon, to buy a cheap netbook and printer, less than a $230.00 investment, and get online. Walmart has 29.00 printers and a netbook is often less than 175.00 on the likes of eBay. You could also ask for an older laptop or netbook on Freecycle.
I often get free coupons online and I easily save us over 200 a month with coupons,rebates and bargains online. There's lots of places that offer free wireless access- bookstores, libraries, ect., and you can just print away. The computer will store the print request until you can connect the printer when you get home.
Netbooks are cheap- I understand Google might be coming out with one soon for less than 100.00, however, they will be running the Google Chrome Operating System, and this is not, in my experience, the best operating system for doing coupons online.