An Assortment of Random Stuff

You never know when some little bit of knowledge is going to be of use...

Friday, October 24, 2003

Here's another. I hate the term prolife. One can be pro-choice and still be pro-life personally, eh? I think they should change it to "anti-choice" myself, to show what it really is all about:


Thank you for contacting me regarding your views on HR 1950, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act relating to the United States contributing to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and specifically the the Smith/Oberstar/Hyde Amendment. I appreciate the opportunity to respond to you on this issue.

As you may know, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Funding Act of 2003 was introduced on March 11, 2003, and aims to provide funding for "voluntary family planning and maternal and child health services" to the 142 nations in all regions of the world that the UNFPA represents. The Smith/Oberstar/Hyde Amendment, on the other hand, proposes to block this from happening by not sending American dollars overseas.

First, let me say that I am strongly against the the United Nations Population Fund Funding Act, and I support the Smith/Oberstar/Hyde Amendment. Having been an Ob-Gyn physician for nearly thirty years, I am pro-life, and do not agree with the UNFPA's "voluntary family planning" which may include abortion counseling and procedures. Rest assured, I will not support this bill, nor any other that aides or threatens the sanctity of life.

Thank you again for contacting me, and for your support. If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Here's another letter from Gringrey.

I am really concerned about 'unborn' violence being a tool to criminalize abortion. Yes. I am pro-choice.

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2003. I appreciate learning of your views.

As you may know, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2003 states that a person who intentionally kills or attempts to kill an unborn child should be punished under the Federal criminal code for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being. In other words, harming an unborn child will be classified as an individual criminal act, and will be punished separately from the criminal offense committed against the unborn child's mother.

I am personally in favor of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2003. Please be aware, however, that while this bill recognizes an unborn child as a human being, it does not eliminate or criminalize abortion.

Thank you again for contacting me. If you have any future concerns regarding this issue or others, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

This is the person that must be the ANTI ME.

Every letter I send this man, who is supposedly my respresentative, is almost a polar opposite to what I request as a constituent. I'll do all I can to see this man voted OUT.

Gringrey's response to my letter re: My support of sex education.

Thank you for your letter regarding teen pregnancy and sex education.

Having spent 28 years as an OB/GYN physician, a father of four, and former chairman of my city school board, I believe we must send our children the message that choosing abstinence is one of the most important decisions of their youthful lives. Teenage sexual activity is a major problem confronting the nation and has led to a rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, emotional and psychological injuries, a rising divorce rate, and out-of-wedlock childbearing.

Abstinence education programs for youth have been proven to be effective in reducing early sexual activity. Furthermore, abstinence programs can also provide the foundation for personal responsibility and enduring marital commitment. For these reasons, I feel that this type of education should be available to our school system.

I believe that sex education in general is a topic to be discussed by parents in a family environment; however, I also recognize the current situation of American family life. If we are forced to teach contraceptive education in schools, we need to take advantage of that opportunity to empathize the importance and value of abstinence. Through proper education, we can reduce teen pregnancy and sexual activity, but we can also strengthen the value and purpose of family.

Rest assured, I support legislation and programs which positively address issues regarding family and thus believe that abstinence education is an issue that deserves our attention.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns; feel free to contact me again if I can be of further assistance. I may also be reached via email at or through my website

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Commissioner’s E-Mail

Board of Human Resources Chairman Bruce Cook, along with me, Ken Jones and his staff, the DHR Leadership Team, and the staff have developed a budget proposal which will be presented at the October 15, 2003 Board Meeting. This draft proposal reduces cuts in services from the first budget draft by $37.5 million. It also includes refinancing, efficiency measures, administrative reductions and the elimination of prevention programs without measurable results.

I acknowledge that this proposal will have an impact on some of our employees, but we are committed to working with those employees whose jobs will be affected, through the Office of Human Resource Management, to deal with their individual needs.

Again, please know how much I value your hard work and contributions to our DHR team.

DHR Budget Cuts FOr 2004


Department of Human Resources
Items Removed from the Original Submission
