Here's an old, old poem that I found today 1990. Its about homelessness, and neglecting the poor and how they are heard even if their fellow man refuses to listen.
The dogs of destitution await,
Jaws dripping congealed white hate
eyes on fire to the chase.
See the man poor-
no walls or chair to call home.
His clothes caked, matted and torn,
long days bullry, wrinkles forlorn,
shoes are shot,
his dirty toes numb.
Gathering here, all his kind
be it known
he is nothing but a powerful man.
Out in the night,
this cloister stands.
Garbage pail fire
to warm a man.
In form a circle,
they hold up their hands,
chanting dark curses,
on the greed of man
Loving the heat,
mesmerized by fire
spirits reaching places ever higher.
The angel of justice hears their plea
he raises his hoards from the sea.
Did you hear their cries or were you deaf,
Ever care for anyone other than self?
What did you think
of candles, rituals, robes
Prayers up to heaven
for magick to hold?
Our true lord works
in mysterious ways
soon to follow
the end of days.
The dogs are ready
to start the chase,
The Angel of Vengence
releases the gate.