Tarot: A Witch's Journey by Amythyst Raine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Standard disclaimer: I was given this book for an objective review.
I am often disappointed in books about the craft but this one has a lot to offer. It's main subject matter is TAROT. Each card is described, not in great detail, which there are videos out there that do, and while very informative, they can get quite boring. This isn't like that - the author has taken each card and broken it down for the reader in such a way to give the reader an intuitive grasp of the card. This is exactly the insight that most beginners and intermediates to the tarot will need to understand in order to advance.
There's also a good bit of helpful tips if one wants to give Tarot readings professionally - how to handle customers that are overly needy, talkative, or what to do for customers you just can't read.
The middle to end of the book dives deeper into readings - readings to help solve crimes, with case studies, and then goes deeper yet into magickal correspondences - using the cards along with numerology and systems of Western magic in spells. Several examples of spells are given. Students that have studied Crowley's system of using the tarot may particularly enjoy the very last of the book - it may not be as clear to beginning students but serious occultists should find it quite useful.
I would have liked to have seen the author expand her section on spreads and organize them with the case studies that were included with those a bit better. As a collector with over 500 volumes, I would also add that had the section on spreads been as clear as the rest of the book, I'd have given it a 5. It might have even put the book up there with some of my most beloved classics- IE Cunningham on herbs. It's definitely a keeper and I look eagerly forward to more by this author.
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