An Assortment of Random Stuff

You never know when some little bit of knowledge is going to be of use...

Saturday, May 08, 2004

"Rumsfeld did not describe the photos, but U.S. military officials told NBC News that the unreleased images showed U.S. soldiers severely beating an Iraqi prisoner nearly to death, having sex with a female Iraqi female prisoner and “acting inappropriately with a dead body.” The officials said there was also a videotape, apparently shot by U.S. personnel, showing Iraqi guards raping young boys."
Its 3am in the morning. I am just finishing watching the CSPAN broadcast of today's earlier inquiry.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Please Bless My Computer

Every night I lie in bed
This little prayer inside my head

God bless my mom and dad
and bless my children
and take care of my spouse
who brings me so much joy...

God, there's just one more thing
I wish that you would do
if you don't mind me asking
to just bless my 'puter, too??

Now I know that it's not normal
to bless a small machine
but listen just a second
and I'll try to explain...

You see, that little metal box
holds more than odds and ends.
Inside those small components
rest a hundred loving friends.

Some it's true I've never seen
and most I've never met
We've never shaken hands or
ever truly hugged, and yet...

I know for sure they love me
by the kindnesses they give,
and this little scrap of metal
is how I get to where they live.

By faith is how I know them,
Much the same as I know You.
I share in life it brings them,
So if it's OK with you...

Just take an extra minute
From your duties up above...
to bless this little hunk of steel
that's filled with so much love.

So, God, please bless my puter...

Monday, May 03, 2004

Two people ran out of time this spring. Mom and myself. Mom of course ran out in a much more significant way than I did - mom died. Me? I just managed to get myself in a situation of having too much going on with school, work and work to take care of the people I loved.

Thinking about it though, I really only had one good role model - my mom. Mom managed to work and take care of us. She sacrificed a lot to do it though and in the end it wasn't appreciated very much.

I'm not sure where the balance is in life. One day I hope to find it.

You know it is bad when the gas station puts its prices up on the sign like this:

Unleaded: $1.88
Super: ARM
Premium: LEG

Sunday, May 02, 2004

PK said I made his blog tonight.

I was cleaning off my harddrive and found this. I'd wrote this maybe 2 years ago.

I see the web as the future of people, not that people are in any way entitled to a future WITH the web.

I feel that the future of the current political state of the web is something that we must start to talk loudly about. This medium is leveling the playing field. Wow, that is power!

This thing, this ... INTERNET... is the closest thing that I, as a human being, have ever felt was capable of true democracy. Perhaps that is why despots fear and loath it, and countries like North Korea outlaw it. Controlling, centralized governments have the most to fear from a collective human voice. Perhaps that is why our E-commerce sites are under attack right now by them. Its a way to get at us, to really get at CAPITALISM. It is not fair that the North Korean people cannot decide for themselves if they want to participate in the Information Revolution that we are experiencing. And the Hoot? Their governments web servers are located right there in China, which of course, we've pissed off. I think democracy in general has pissed off North Korea too. Oh dear.

This web thing is sublime. It is an unbelievably powerful thing that humanity made when we unknowingly sped atomic particles through accelerators hoping to find God. I think, instead WE found each other. Funny that it happened in Switzerland- the place that I learned in *school* was the most innocent player in all this century's history of fighting. Being in my 30's, when I was in school I was limited to what teachers told me. NOT ANYMORE! My child has the world to ask.

Through the spectrum of electronic medium, which only includes the web, we have the power to see the human fragilities and triumphs of other beings, much like ourselves, LIKE IT OR NOT, in a way never before bestowed on man, or, equally woman. Has a woman ever been born into anything with equality coming so shortly after? Our elderly population is signing on, and DAMN IT we should help them. So many suffer from depression and isolation.

This monitor is made of LIGHT. This light, comprised of 3 primary colors, allows us to see the sharp mountain peaks and the dark, winding crevicies of the creative mind. This artistic romp that we handshake to embark on, allows us to explore each other through type, sound, pictures and animation. It is the most wonderful thing that I have ever glimpsed, far superior to these wonderful tools that we have currently have to express it.

Why do we have to decide what its going to be used for? I can only answer that with another question, "Why did we have to decide not to drop the bomb again?" Thankfully, thus far, we haven't had to REALLY tackle that one either. Killing large sums of people is actually the easier riddle of the two that we've been given.

Maybe we just need to quit splitting atoms for a second and think about this stuff. Maybe then we'd appreciate it more.