An Assortment of Random Stuff

You never know when some little bit of knowledge is going to be of use...

Saturday, November 08, 2003

The Matrix III Revolution

I must say that I totally disagree with the critics on this movie. I found as much inspiration and food for thought in it as I did the first one.

I will go see it again and I will buy it simply for the symbolism and story of the adorable little Indian girl.

There's a lot of Eastern religion and philosophy in this movie - perhaps too much of it is wasted on Americans that only seem to appreciate Western heritage, art, and philosophy.

The little girl has no purpose in the machine world. She is being smuggled out because she serves no purpose and is scheduled for deletion.

In the matrix, she will be safe with the Oracle - who embodies intuition, and respect for human choice and emotions.

In the end, we see that the little girl has made a beautiful sunset.

To me, she clearly represents art, artists, and the artistic hand of God.

None of that had to be, but isn't the world a better place because those things are here?

It even speaks for the making of the Matrix itself. It never had to be. It serves no practical purpose for me to take my family to enjoy this movie. They put tons of effort and human ingenuity into these special effects. As a photographer I was awed by the action sequences involving water. It amazed me as much as the highway scene in the second movie.

I'm so very glad that I went to see it, and glad that these incredible artists have made this movie. What a monument to humanity and the arts this movie is!

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Another rant incoming:

The rebel flag has never been a symbol of racism to my family as far as I've known. We are white, but long ago we were judged by minority judges because of the fact that there was Indian blood in our line. We totally didn't fit with the system. We weren't white enough to be white, and we clearly were not black.

I'm in the deep South. I LIKE Howard Dean and he IS my choice of a candidate.
I'm glad he didn't back down on his statement. Yes, poor white folks need his help too.

I'm sorry that blacks have a heritage of slavery, but I didn't do it. No one that I know living today would have done it.

I can understand the need to be sensitive to those issues, but that flag is known around here as THE REBEL FLAG - it has been the symbol of southern heritage for us - not slavery - my family was too poor to own slaves - but I like our sweet tea, our family get togethers in a screened pavillion, our days on the lakes, the Southern drawl and the moss in the Oaks - even though around here we just have pine trees. I like the strong loyalty that Southern Families show to one another- although that is starting to decay.
My point is that to a lot of us, that flag is the REBEL flag that flew over our state for much of our lives, and its not a symbol of prejudism to a lot of us. I like it better not as a state flag, since it was offensive to some, but let's get over it. Everyone is entitled to their heritage.

It is considered by the people I'm talking about to be the REBEL FLAG.

Rebellousness to this Southerner is about having the freedom to say:

'I ain't driving a 'dern toyota.' I'm driving my pickup truck cause I like em, they are more practical and they hold their value better. I'm poor and I have to think about such things.'

'I got my gun, hell yeah, and if you try to come in my house or trailor and mess with my family, yes, I'm gonna shoot your ass. That's all we got, and some of us are lucky to have those. '

'I'm gonna drink my beer after work and sit outside and watch the skitters get zapped.'

'I don't really trust those city boy feds, so by God we better keep our guns. If the founding fathers didn't have guns, would they have been the founding fathers?'

Hell, yes, Republicans have been using the race factor to divide us. Howard Dean seems to me someone that says OK enough, let's quit being so silly over race - let's look at CLASS issues.

Now that appeals to me- CLASS over race.

I don't want to see ANYONE mistreated or left by the wayside. As a nurse I've taken care of people of every possible color and ethnic background I can think of, and I can honestly say my heart has went out to every single one of them - but especially to the poor and the forgotten.

I've had a recent period of having been poor without a job or health care insurance, trying to make my mortgage. I've had a neice in jail right now unable to get bond set because she is having to rely on a public defender. There is no equal justice in this country for the POOR of ANY COLOR.

Are people too ignorant too understand the word CLASS? All I seem to hear Bush and most poeple talking about are the RICH class and Middle class.

By using Class as a way to group people, instead of white black asian hispanic...then we raise our level of unity no matter what - we become 3 instead of 20 and that's a lot closer to being united - which is indeed the way that we are strong.

Thank GOD someone is talking about the POOR in a more sense devoid of race.
Now I don't pretend to speak for all Southerners, or even the entirety of my family, but I'll tell ya what - I ain't never lived like Zell and I don't know what the hell he is talking about when he's speaking for Southerners.