An Assortment of Random Stuff

You never know when some little bit of knowledge is going to be of use...

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Why pay an American when you can outsource to India for 40 dollars a week - you save also on paying benefits, worker's comp insurance, umemployment insurance, and social security!

Maybe its wrong? Maybe its completely good for the US the way we are currently doing it in the USA?

Companies that I know outsource:
Capital One

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

friend: i got hacked last night ;-)
friend: fun fun
friend: one of my boxes, defaced ~130 frontends (user sites), about 2500 backends
skullaria: oh shit
skullaria: I wanna see
friend: defaced
friend: well you can see mirrors
friend: but i already fixed it all up
skullaria: show me
skullaria: was it a pain? how do you know they weren't backdoored?
friend: total defaced time was about 15 mins for most accounts
friend: checked backdoors, found a couple irc bouncers and a rootkit that was never used.
skullaria: dude, that sucks. How?
skullaria: what os?
skullaria: any one in particular?
friend: server was banging away (dos) at another server within ti's subnet but it wasn't mine. cleared that up
friend: redhat, it was a fuckin cgi exploit
friend: i was fully patched up , kernel etc.
skullaria: damn
skullaria: what kind?

Cause:guestbook cgi, and h.cpp
>> the only commonly availlbe exploit so far for this cgi bug locks onto 44464 only
>>everything up there in that range should have been blocked anyway