My mother died at 10:50am this morning. I had the honor of holding her as she died, and the nurses allowed me the honor, as a nurse, to complete her final care.
The world lost a very caring woman today - as a nurse she took care of so very many people in her life. I never knew who would be around our kitchen table on holidays as she would bring home any person that she cared for that she knew had no family of their own.
She'd brought home an old portrait of a man and woman that she'd found at a thrift store. She hung it up in our dining room. She said they looked like they needed a family and that she'd adopted them. We never knew who these people were that were in this picture was hanging in our home - not even their name - but she couldn't stand the thought of them -in their anniversary picture- being abandoned.
She was a world class bargain hunter and collector. She had a collection of antique glassware and jewlery that would impress anyone. She was my yardsale/thrift store/auction buddy.
That is the kind of woman my mother was - a really wonderful person. I'm really going to miss her.