An Assortment of Random Stuff

You never know when some little bit of knowledge is going to be of use...

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I sell on eBay, and some other eCommerce sites as a hobby.

The other night, I found a great deal on adhesive labels. 1600 of them for 5.99. WOW I thought, that's less than a penny a label and it will save me a lot of time and tape.

SO I bought them, and paid for them....

Today I came home and there was a 10 pound box of labels sitting on my porch. I opened them and was most pleased.

I told some of my friends, thinking I'd pass the great deal on. Turns out this is a common internet scan that I'd never heard of.

What has happened is that the BUYER used my name and address and opened a UPS account in my name, then ordered me some free shipping supplies. I looked on the box to see if there were clues if this is what indeed, did happen. Sure enough, right there on the 10 pound box it said UPS SHIPPING SUPPLIES.

He pocketed the entire amount minus about 55 cents or so for ebay/paypal fees.

Looks like UPS would wise up to this. This same guy has over 20 more boxes listed....and there are a lot of other sellers doing this as well.

Free money.

If I wanted a UPS account, I'd have opened one myself. I NEVER use UPS. USPS is more economical for me.


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