An Assortment of Random Stuff

You never know when some little bit of knowledge is going to be of use...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Today I had a background check with the justice department. Yesterday I went up to our local police and paid $5.00 to have a record check done and it was very painless. Today I felt like I was signing my life away.

One of the many forms I had to fill out (a pledge that I was loyal to the US govt.) asked if I was a member of any party that wanted to overthrow the US govt and if so what it was. I started to write in YES, the DEMOCRATIC party.

Then I saw that it additionally said "by violent or forceful means." I paused. Nah, not the Democrats. Todays Democrats are just a bunch of wusses, which is why George W. will probably win. The Republicans have certainly played a meaner, nastier game.

I am afraid though, if George W. does win, that Democrats are going to get mad. No telling what will happen when a bunch of already discontent wusses get collectively mad. I have a feeling they will all go more to the left, and that things could get nasty in the US.

I hope Kerry wins.


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